Cancer Communications
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doi: 10.1186/s40880-017-0258-8
International Szent-Gy?rgyi Prize for Progress in Cancer Research: basic and translational research recognition
Hali Hartmann, Jie Zhao and Sujuan Ba
National Foundation for Cancer Research, Bethesda, USA
[Abstract] The Szent-Gy?rgyi Prize for Progress in Cancer Research is a prestigious scientific award sponsored by the National Foundation for Cancer Research (NFCR)—a leading cancer research charitable organization in the United States that supports innovative cancer research globally with the ultimate goal to cure cancer. The coveted Szent-Gy?rgyi Prize annually honors a scientist whose seminal discovery or body of work has resulted in, or led toward, notable contributions to cancer prevention, diagnosis, or treatment; and the discovery has had a high direct impact of saving people's lives. In addition, the prize promotes public awareness of the importance of basic cancer research and encourages the sustained investment needed to accelerate the translation of these research discoveries into new cancer treatments. In 2016, NFCR’s Szent-Gy?rgyi Prize Selection Committee was unanimous in its decision to recognize an icon in human disease genetics, Dr. Mary-Claire King, for her pioneering research that demonstrated the first evidence of genetic predisposition to breast cancer. Her proof of existence of BRCA1 gene and its location has made genetic screening for breast and ovarian cancers possible, saving lives of many people who are at high risk with inherited BRCA1 mutations.
Chinese Journal of Cancer 2017, Volume: 36, Issue 11
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Hali Hartmann, Jie Zhao and Sujuan Ba. International Szent-Gy?rgyi Prize for Progress in Cancer Research: basic and translational research recognition. Chin J Cancer. 2017, 36:92. doi:10.1186/s40880-017-0258-8

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