Cancer Communications
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doi: 10.1186/s40880-017-0219-2
Autophagy and multidrug resistance in cancer
Ying-Jie Li, Yu-He Lei, Nan Yao, Chen-Ran Wang, Nan Hu, Wen-Cai Ye, Dong-Mei Zhang and Zhe-Sheng Chen
Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine & Natural Products, College of Pharmacy, Jinan University
[Abstract] Multidrug resistance (MDR) occurs frequently after long-term chemotherapy, resulting in refractory cancer and tumor recurrence. Therefore, combatting MDR is an important issue. Autophagy, a self-degradative system, universally arises during the treatment of sensitive and MDR cancer. Autophagy can be a double-edged sword for MDR tumors: it participates in the development of MDR and protects cancer cells from chemotherapeutics but can also kill MDR cancer cells in which apoptosis pathways are inactive. Autophagy induced by anticancer drugs could also activate apoptosis signaling pathways in MDR cells, facilitating MDR reversal. Therefore, research on the regulation of autophagy to combat MDR is expanding and is becoming increasingly important. We summarize advanced studies of autophagy in MDR tumors, including the variable role of autophagy in MDR cancer cells.
Chinese Journal of Cancer 2017, Volume: 36, Issue 8
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Ying-Jie Li, Yu-He Lei, Nan Yao, Chen-Ran Wang, Nan Hu, Wen-Cai Ye, Dong-Mei Zhang and Zhe-Sheng Chen. Autophagy and multidrug resistance in cancer. Chin J Cancer. 2017, 36:52. doi:10.1186/s40880-017-0219-2

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