Cancer Communications
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doi: 10.1186/s40880-017-0229-0
Prognostic role of ABO blood type in patients with extranodal natural killer/T cell lymphoma, nasal type: a triple-center study
Ya-Jun Li, Ping-Yong Yi, Ji-Wei Li, Xian-Ling Liu, Tian Tang, Pei-Ying Zhang and Wen-Qi Jiang
Department of Lymphoma and Hematology, Hunan Cancer Hospital; The Affiliated Cancer Hospital of Xiangya School of Medicine, Central South University

The prognostic significance of ABO blood type for lymphoma is largely unknown. We evaluated the prognostic role of ABO blood type in patients with extranodal natural killer (NK)/T-cell lymphoma (ENKTL).
We retrospectively analyzed clinical data of 697 patients with newly diagnosed ENKTL from three cancer centers. The prognostic value of ABO blood type was evaluated using Kaplan–Meier curves and Cox proportional hazard models. The prognostic values of the International Prognostic Index (IPI) and the Korean Prognostic Index (KPI) were also evaluated.
Compared with patients with blood type O, those with blood type non-O tended to display elevated baseline serum C-reactive protein levels (P = 0.038), lower rate of complete remission (P = 0.005), shorter progression-free survival (PFS, P < 0.001), and shorter overall survival (OS, P = 0.001). Patients with blood type O/AB had longer PFS (P < 0.001) and OS (P = 0.001) compared with those with blood type A/B. Multivariate analysis demonstrated that age >60 years (P < 0.001), mass ≥5 cm (P = 0.001), stage III/IV (P < 0.001), elevated serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels (P = 0.001), and blood type non-O were independent adverse predictors of OS (P = 0.001). ABO blood type was found to be superior to both the IPI in discriminating patients with different outcomes in the IPI low-risk group and the KPI in distinguishing between the intermediate-to-low- and high-to-intermediate-risk groups.
ABO blood type was an independent predictor of clinical outcome for patients with ENKTL.
Chinese Journal of Cancer 2017, Volume: 36, Issue 9
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Ya-Jun Li, Ping-Yong Yi, Ji-Wei Li, Xian-Ling Liu, Tian Tang, Pei-Ying Zhang and Wen-Qi Jiang. Prognostic role of ABO blood type in patients with extranodal natural killer/T cell lymphoma, nasal type: a triple-center study. Chin J Cancer. 2017, 36:62. doi:10.1186/s40880-017-0229-0

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