Cancer Communications
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[ Special series on lung cancer 2 ]
doi: 10.1186/s40880-015-0029-3
Parallel phase 1 clinical trials in the US and in China: accelerating the test of avitinib in lung cancer as a novel inhibitor selectively targeting mutated EGFR and overcoming T790M-induced resistance
Xiao Xu
ACEA Biosciences Inc., San Diego 92121, CA, USA
[Abstract] Avitinib, a new generation inhibitor of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), was approved for clinical trial in both China and the United States, and the phase 1 trials were initiated in both countries in parallel. In the preclinical studies, avitinib showed three novel features including (1) irreversibly binding EGFR by forming a covalent bound with Cys 797 in the ATP-binding pocket, (2) sparing wild-type EGFR, and (3) overcoming T790M-induced resistance. Avitinib is the first China-developed novel EGFR inhibitor that has entered in global clinical trials, and will provide a precision targeted therapy for non-small cell lung cancer patients.
Chinese Journal of Cancer 2015, Volume: 34, Issue 7
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Xiao Xu. Parallel phase 1 clinical trials in the US and in China: accelerating the test of avitinib in lung cancer as a novel inhibitor selectively targeting mutated EGFR and overcoming T790M-induced resistance. Chin J Cancer. 2015, 34:27. doi:10.1186/s40880-015-0029-3

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