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Relationship between traditional Chinese medicine syndrome differentiation and imaging characterization to the radiosensitivity of nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Hong Bao, Jing Gao, Tao Huang, Zi-Ming Zhou, Bei Zhang, Yun-Fei Xia
Department of Medical Imaging, Yueyang Hospital of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 200437, P. R. China.
[Abstract] Background and Objective: Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a well established and time-honored practice in China, employing syndrome differentiation as a basis for the treatment of disease. According to different TCM syndrome typing findings, combining modern medical methods with TCM approaches can improve the quality of life and comprehensive effect on patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). This study investigated the relationship between TCM syndrome typing and imaging characterization to radiosensitivity as to provide objective evidence for the integration of Chinese and modern medical approaches in the treatment of NPC. Methods: Prior to treatment, TCM syndrome typing, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were performed on 147 patients pathologically classified with NPC. The status of tumor remission was radiologically evaluated at accumulated doses of 20 Gy, 40 Gy and 60 Gy, and at 3 months after completion of radiotherapy. Statistical results were analyzed by the Friedman and K-W test procedures. Results: Prior to treatment, TCM syndrome typing of NPC included Lung Heat, Blood Stasis, Phlegm Congealment and Blood Stasis-Phlegm Congealment. Lung Heat typing accounted for the highest proportion at 34.7% (51/147), followed by Phlegm Congealment at 32.7% (48/147), Blood Stasis at 17.0% (25/147) and Blood Stasis-Phlegm Congealment at 15.7% (23/147). Radiological imaging demonstrated a higher incidence of cervical lymph node metastases in Phlegm Congealment and Blood Stasis-Phlegm Congealment types (P <0.05), while Blood Stasis and Blood Stasis-Phlegm Congealment types were more prone to skull base invasion (P <0.05). Residual tumor size was larger in Blood Stasis and Blood Stasis-Phlegm Congealment types than in Lung Heat and Phlegm Congealment types after 3 months of treatment (P <0.05). Conclusions: Different radiological manifestations were observed in TCM syndrome typed NPC patients, with lesser radiosensitivity demonstrated in the Blood Stasis and the Blood Stasis-Phlegm Congealment types relative to the Lung Heat and Phlegm Congealment types.
Chinese Journal of Cancer 2010, Volume: 29, Issue 11, Page: 937-945
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